
Kupo Kupookies from 2002

This is a drawing from October 2002 of my old cats, whom I referred to as “Pookies”, as Moogles from Secret of Mana/Final Fantasy.Β  The faces, however, were inspired by the Dark Chaos from Sonic (my cats were black).Β  My sister and I called our cats Lumie and Piggy/Piggles, but their real names were Lumina and Nightshade.Β  Yes, that IS a Secret of Mana reference.

Kupo Kupookies from 2002

“I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat!”

What crazy cat lady doesn’t have a million nicknames that she calls her beloved furbabies?Β  Well, I have taken to calling cats in general “puddy tats”, after Tweety Bird’s famous line from Looney Tunes, “I tawt I taw a puddy tat!”Β  “Puddy tats” got shortened to “puddies” or “puds”, and then mutated into things like “pudsters” and “Mr. Puddy”.

However, I had no idea until recently that there was actually a song “I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat” that was released in 1950.Β  It sold more than 2 million records and even reached No. 9 on the Billboard pop chart!Β  Wow!Β  In 2011, Warner Bros. made a 3D animated short for the song:

“I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat!”

My Cats on Instagram!


I know, it’s about time.Β  My cats finally have their own Instagram account, @tassatul!Β  I resisted for a while, thinking it would be difficult to keep up with multiple Instagram accounts, but it turns out it’s easy.Β  I have soooo many photos of these guys that I haven’t shared, and I didn’t want to flood my own IG with them, so…. I broke down and made a separate account.Β  Please follow them if you’d like to see more of these cuties! πŸ˜‰


My Cats on Instagram!

May is Always Busy!

May was very busy, as you could probably guess by my silence.Β  It is always the height of the convention season for me.Β  I told myself I was going to take it easy this year, but I ended up having free time, so I decided to sign up for a few things… and before I knew it, I was trying to do too many things at once, as usual.Β  Why can’t I just do everything??Β  It gives me serious anxiety.Β  Anyway…

May started with working on a costume for Costume Con!Β  …

May is Always Busy!