Scarlett – G.I. Joe: Renegades

First worn: Big Wow Comicfest 2013

First of all, I was super excited that there was a new G.I. Joe cartoon, and second I was even MORE excited that Scarlett no longer looked like a spandex-clad super hero… AND SHE HAD PANTS. THANK GOODNESS FOR PANTS. Also, bangs to cover my enormous forehead! It was a dream come true. I was tired of my unflattering, brightly-colored 80’s cartoon Scarlett, which made me stick out like a sore thumb in groups. This version worked out so much better for photo shoots, even if the series didn’t match. I already had a shirt and wig that would work, and bought boots and pants, so all I had to make was the vest, which was pretty easy. I should also mention, THIS SERIES WAS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD. It was a new story/alternate universe, but I really liked what they did with it (unlike what they did with the movies). I bought the DVDs as soon as they came out! I really wish there had been a second season. πŸ™