Ayaka Kurusugawa – To Heart

First worn: Fanime Con 2013

A friend had actually asked me to cosplay this for a group at Anime Expo back in 2000. I declined but said maybe we could do it for a future event, but that never happened. I’d bought a vest and dyed it yellow and also had the neck ribbon, so I just needed a skirt.Β  Somehow I never got around to it. I’ve still only seen an episode or two of To Heart, so I decided not to bother with it. Later I decided I wanted to cosplay Kagome from Inu-Yasha, and realized I could use the same skirt for both costumes. I also have a blue wig from my Chihaya cosplay. If I already have all the pieces, then why not? But does anyone even know what this is any more….?