Relena Darlian/Peacecraft (Casual) – Gundam Wing

Photo by Eurobeat Kasumi Photography, Ani-Magic 2000

First worn: Otakon 2000

A lot of my friends were cosplaying from Gundam Wing at the time, so I threw this together to join them. I dug out an old red sweater I had, bleached it, and dyed it pink.Β  Then I threw some white leggings in the wash with some reds and pinks so they’d be barely pink.Β  I got some gold chain to use for the belt, and my mom knit me a scarf.Β  I used some gold hair color spray… yes, we did that in those days.Β  It didn’t work very well.

Ani-Magic 2000

I don’t even know what to say about the awkward pose, the awkward expression, or the random lion decoration… but it’s one of the few Relena photos I have, so there it is! Ha ha.

Otakon 2000

I guess I forgot my scarf. That teddy bear is my first stuffed animal from when I was a baby!