Cherrim (Gijinka) – Pokemon

Cherrim Gijinka - Pokemon

First Worn: Anime Conji 2019

I had always wanted to do a proper Cherrim gijinka cosplay and had drawn one out years and years ago, but never got around to it.Β  Actually, I had more than a dozen Pokemon gijinka cosplays planned ever since I started cosplay in 1999, and somehow this was my first one, 20 years later.Β  A friend and I decided to check out a small local convention, so we threw together super casual closet cosplay Pokemon gijinkas.Β  She did Bellossom, so we were both flowers.Β  I hope to still do the version I was originally planning, but this was cute and fun for a last minute idea.

Since I didn’t get a complete full body shot, here are the cute pink shoes I wore!

With my friend Frugsy as Bellossom at Anime Conji 2013.